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Friday, February 15, 2008

Brief History of Navy Tattoos

The United States Navy has the longest and richest military tattoo tradition. The anchor symbol has become one of the most easily recognizable tattoos in the world. The sailors introduced the practice of tattooing to the other military branches in the early 1900's when they would return from voyages that had literally taken them around the world. As the sailors traveled to distant places and saw that the art of tattooing was alive and well, they began to create tattoos that represented who they were as a group.

(exerpt from

These boxers feature a girl on an anchor with a 'U.S. Navy' ribbon on her resembling a classic navy tattoo and have a 'U.S. Navy' banner on the rear on a blue background.

U.S. Navy - Tattoo Girl boxer shorts
Also found the same print on some lounge pants...

print detail...Photobucket