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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Helping Out in San Diego

Today there are nearly three quarters of a million children under the age of five years in military families, the most since World War II. When a family member deploys, the whole family "deploys" requiring equal parts of sacrifice and courage .
(Cuba Gooding Jr. from PBS special: "When Parents Deploy")

With several hundred thousand service members and with more than 20,000 military families in San Diego, SDMOM (San Diego Military Outreach Ministries) is busy helping with urgent needs, personal caring and household and food assistance.

SDMOM mostly serves the junior enlisted military family, typically headed by a 18-23 year old, with young children, away from home, and trying to survive in our expensive economy on a low salary while struggling with high debt and the family stresses of deployment.

Please take a moment to visit thier website and show your support to this wonderful charity.