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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2009 Pay Raise Approves House

The House Armed Services Committee approved H.R. 5658. The bill authorizes a 3.9 percent pay military pay raise in addition to $70 billion to support ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan during fiscal year 2009. A detailed summary of H.R. 5658 as reported by the House Armed Services Committee is available.

For an E-4 with four years' military service would receive an increase of $79.86 a month. For an O-4 with four years, it would be $189.25 a month. Find your proposed pay for 2009.

1 Comment:

Tom Goering said...

I was looking at your link and it goes to a sign up page at - thought you may want this one - currently at the 3.9% but I have other percentage charts ready to go for whatever is approved.

Vr/Tom Goering